About Me

I am a storyteller, who believes one has to live life to the fullest to tell the best stories. I have worked across fields such as finance, R&D&I, healthcare, film, transportation, trade services, education, game development and crisis management, to name a few.

My varied background allows me to look at things from a multitude of perspectives and find the best path forward.

My aim is to inspire others to see possibilities, rather than obstacles.

My values drive me to work harder than most.

By making sure I enjoy and fully support the projects I work on, I can guarantee you will get 100% of my attention and rigor.

Social science has long shown that we work more efficiently when we enjoy what we do. As someone who has burned out before, doing mundane tasks, I can attest to this being true. That is why I only take on projects I absolutely believe in and feel a burning desire to pursue. This ensures you get the highest quality work as fast as possible and don’t subsidize an office of bored workers staring out the window.

What gets me excited? I love working on projects that will improve people’s lives / work environment, that inspire people and create an overall benefit for humanity and its legacy. That means I will work on anything where I feel I can create a win-win scenario or somehow make a positive difference. I will not engage in destructive projects that are detrimental to people’s health, environment or rights.